Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Muliple Choice and Michelle Wie

Fill in the blank: After Michelle Wie retires, people will look back and most frequently compare her career trajectory to the career trajectory of ________ .

A) Shawn Kemp
B) Serena Williams
C) Tiger Woods
D) Jennifer Capriati
E) John Daly
F) Jeong Jang
G) Anna Kournikova
H) Harold Minor
I) Rob Deer


  1. I want to change my vote to Vin Baker.

    Rob Deer always wore short sleeves. Always. Even when it was 35 degrees and windy in Tiger Stadium in late September. Why hide those guns? They went with the mustache.

    On a related note, Pete Incaviglia is now a hitting coach. Yikes.

  2. J) Manon Rheaume

    On a related note, Rob Deer is a minor-league hitting coordinator for the San Diego Padres.

  3. "On a related note, Rob Deer is a minor-league hitting coordinator for the San Diego Padres."


  4. I imagine Inky and Deer leaning on the batting cage and just telling their pupils after every pitch, "Swing harder, kid. Swing harder."

    And thank you, Anson, for reminding me to run my monthly Google Image Search on Manon Rheaume.

  5. Harold Miner should be a jumping coach somewhere.

  6. If Don Beebe can train individuals of all ages and skill to perform better by "enhancing their speed" with his "House of Speed" program, Minor can teach jumping.

    Maybe he can be one of the professional jumpers in the new hit show, Jumping with the Stars.

  7. OnMilwaukee.Com: We've got to ask... how does a guy known for home runs, strikeouts and towering popups become a hitting coach?

    Rob Deer: I answer that a lot. I don't teach the way I hit. I understand how to hit .300. I know what it takes. We tell the guys to be selectively aggressive. We want that to be their approach. We tell them 'Be patiently aggressive.' That's our motto. What does it mean? If you get a good pitch to hit and you take it, that's your fault. We don't ever want to take aggressiveness away. But, we don't want to swing at bad pitches, either.

  8. In other words, "Swing harder!"

    Rob Deer thinks Tom Izzo should be the MSU football coach.
